Monday, May 18, 2009


Does drinking green tea speed up your metabolism?


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I drink ICED green tea everyday, so im not sure if that has the same effect as hot green tea, and does this have any effect on my metabolism? I drink it for the taste, so i actually have no idea what the health benefits of iced green tea, anyone want to fill me in? Green tea does help a person lose weight and increase metabolism rate but do not expect green tea to be a magic cure-all or a single solution product, though. Studies show that drinking a moderate amount of green tea helps to burn 80 calories a day. This may not sound like much, but 80 calories a day translates to approximately 8 pounds per year. So green tea will help you lose some weight, and over several years time this can help you live a healthier life.

Green tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols. These compounds work with other chemicals to intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, where heat is created in the body by burning fuels such as fat. Green tea also causes carbohydrates to be released slowly, preventing sharp increases in blood-insulin levels. This promotes the burning of fat.

The thermogenic effect was originally attributed to its caffeine content. However, green tea stimulates brown fat thermogenesis far greater than a comparable amount of pure caffeine. It appears that the catechin-polyphenols, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and caffeine that naturally occur in green tea work synergistically to stimulate thermogenesis and augment and prolong sympathetic stimulation of thermogenesis. It has been shown to increase 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation (caffeine only increases metabolism during the time you take it).

There are also claims that green tea suppresses your appetite. This probably depends on what the green tea is replacing. Caffeine tends to cause an increase in appetite, so if green tea reduces your caffeine consumption, it might help your appetite. Also, sugar also increases appetite, because it causes insulin production, which in turn increases appetite. The sugar crash also leads people to seek more food for more energy. Therefore, if you are replacing high-caffeine, high-sugar drinks with green tea, it is likely to help decrease your appetite.

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