Have been to Japan-s fellow citizens, tend to focus only on Japan-s fruit, vegetables expensive side, but ignoring its superior quality side. Japan-s Kobe beef, sold in New York the most expensive, but also selling extremely well, and rely on superior quality. Chinese and Japanese food consumption is the difference between: cheap Chinese food, but bad quality; Japanese food expensive, but good quality. Chinese food can meet the Chinese price, Japanese quality, the people fortunate enough to

Subject to income limitations, dietary consumption of Chinese people is still in the concept of mainstreaming Price First, the quality of the next stage. Japanese people have been accustomed to the quality of the consumer first, followed by Price-s priority selection.

For example: A few years ago, through decades of arduous negotiations, the United States imported from Japan has finally knocked on the gate of the rice market. Only Japan imports rice prices rice 1 / 5, put the Japanese rice industry was almost destroyed. not long, however, have found that after six months of imports of Japanese rice taste with their different habits and customs, in turn competing for high-priced purchase of the Inter (one kilogram of approximately 50 RMB). A result, Japan was almost out of stock rice, rice imports are substantial backlog. Forced the government decree requiring businesses can only sell "imported rice," or sell "mixed rice", can not sell rice in Japan in order to digest the import of rice, reduce the market pressure. Toss the stretch, the Japanese also return to eat the traditional Japanese rice, although the highest. Chinese rice could not enter Japan, the total was said to be barriers to trade, and its essence is not to buy Japanese
consumers. If no improvement in the quality of light to find the Japanese government ballast, not the road.

About the quality of the supremacy of the Japanese market, and pursue careers really extreme fruit. Need a strawberry, loquat can be sold three, fifty yuan, a Need for cantaloupe, watermelon can be sold three, four hundred yuan.