Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

I didn't know this until just now when The Boy's oncologist told us this, but Chinese food is frequently suspect in terms of GI problems for cancer patients. People with typical immunity and typical GI systems are fine eating Chinese food, but with suppressed immunity and possible stomach irritation, it's a bad idea. I'm glad that we know that now. Fortunately, he only had the steamed rice and fried rice, which she said weren't as bad and are usually fresh. The big problem is with entrees that are cooked crock pot style. Being Jewish, that really takes the fun out of Christmas. Anyhow, The Boy slept for about two hours in the afternoon. When he woke up, he had rice cakes, some applesauce, and some yellow jello. All okay. Both Grandpas were here, along with Grandma and myself. He decided that he'd like to bounce off the walls and be crazy man for awhile. Fine by us. He did not want to go out for a walk with Daddy even though he was excited to put on his shoes and socks. He ate
the rices when we had our dinner, and then, of course, his dinner showed up. We haven't given any to him yet because he's probably not hungry. Maybe in a little while he'll have a bit of chicken. Or maybe he won't. Timing is an issue with meals here, as I complain about every time The Boy comes in. We are still on track to leave tomorrow, probably in the evening. His doc says that she's kicking us out tomorrow, so we have that to look forward to. They will do a CBC/Diff (complete blood count, with differential) in the morning to determine The Boy's blood status. He'll get another dose of both chemo meds and a few additional doses of Mesna spaced out over a few hours (that's the medicine that protects the bladder). It's just long. Next chemo, assuming good counts, will be Easter weekend, as we mentioned. We'll go for counts before leaving for Harrisburg, for two nights of seder with Aunt M. The Boy will probably enjoy himself, although if he gets restless
or tired, I am certain that Grandma will have no problem getting up from the table to play with him. Possibly we'll feed him before the seder and take turns playing with him in the living room, bringing him to the table for the good songs and games. My job over the next few weeks while he is working the chemo out of his system is to teach him the Ma Nishtana. I'll put it on the iPod and play it in the car, and I'll sing it to him. Obviously he doesn't REALLY need to know it at his age but if he gets familiar with it, he will want to clap along or conduct when he hears it, which will be very cute.

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